
Hi, I'm Alice

Hi, I'm Alice, the International Officer at Guild of Students for the 2022-23 academic year. My pronouns are she and her.

Image of International Officer, AliceFirst of all, I’d like to say “thank you” to everyone who has supported me and helped me since the election and during the training! Time flies.

As an international student myself, I arrived at our university in late September 2021 with concerns about Covid. Unfortunately, I only watched an online introduction session and missed all the other welcome events. So, it took me a long time to get familiar with our university and to find some opportunities to talk to people outside my course. I ran for the election because I wasn’t satisfied about my experience and wanted to make changes for international students like me.

I am a native speaker of Mandarin, and I also speak English and Portuguese. This year I would like to engage more international students in our Students Groups, welfare support and diverse activities, by providing better information support and encouraging language and cultural exchange. Most importantly, I want you to continue feeling supported and to know what is happening at our university every day.

Although I don't know everything now and I’m still on my way to figuring things out, I would like to take you with me on this journey.

Please feel free to contact me via my email and social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram (@guild_international), Twitter (@Guild_Intl) and Wechat (ID: Alicezinha00), if you have any questions or just want to book a time to have a chat with me! 

Finally, I’d like to share my favourite Portuguese sentence: "Vamos!”. In English it means "Let's go!"

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