Guild Elections

Candidate for the position of Part Time Officers - Ethical and Environmental Officer




As secretary of VegSoc and a passionate vegan, I would be perfect for the role of Ethical and Environmental Officer. Environmental concerns need to be a priority in everybody’s lives, however, they are often overlooked. I feel that it is a personal responsibility of mine to make a positive change for this planet and encourage others to do so too.

To reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, water consumption, land usage and waste, I would encourage people to eat less meat. This would involve promotion of Meat-Free Mondays and ensuring veggie food is readily available on campus and in catered accommodation, for fair prices.

Inspired by Roehampton University, I would like to start a gardening project involving volunteering (and de-stress) opportunities for students to grow edible plants, to be sold on campus. Food waste bins could be available on campus, to produce compost.

I believe education on waste reduction is important. This could involve ‘clothes swap’ events on campus, supplying ‘bags for life’, and improving recycling facilities in accommodation and around Selly Oak. Also, I would discourage unnecessary paper usage and printing.

Students should vote for me because I’m hard working, committed and will make change happen to strive for a greener university!