Guild Elections

Candidate for the position of Full Time Officers - Housing and Community Officer

Image for Izzie 'Busy Bee' Nicholds

Izzie 'Busy Bee' Nicholds

Hiya! I’m Izzie ‘Busy Bee’ Nicholds, a second year English and Classics student, running to be your Housing and Community Officer for 2016-17. After spending a year as a Shackleton Resident Associate, I got to see first-hand how amazing the Guild is and the amount of opportunities it has for students. When I lived in halls, I realised there was room for development and now that I’m in Selly Oak, I see this also. As students, if we are not on campus, we spend our time around the Selly Oak/Edgbaston community. It is imperative that the issues and concerns of the students living here are voiced.

Working with the Housing and Community officer last year inspired me to run, as it gave me insight into the community that I spend so much time in. I would like to represent the students of Birmingham in housing and community related issues. I care a huge amount student satisfaction and making the most out of time at university and would like to give back to the university by doing my part in improving these features of student life.

These are my four main policies:

1. In light of the recent events in Selly Oak, I want to focus my campaign on improving student safety and reducing crime in the area. My main policy is to campaign and work with the local government to get CCTV cameras on the residential roads, particularly where crime has been higher in activity, whether this be muggings or burglaries. This would not only aid the police but make students feel much safer.

2. I want to make invisibility pens available to students. This is a low cost solution to permanently marking your valuable property as they are only visible under UV rays. Recovered goods are constantly checked for UV markings by the police to help them in returning belongings. This would be useful for returning goods stolen from student properties such as laptops, phones, televisions. In addition to this, I also want to issue free rape alarms when available for anyone, gender neutral, who feels this would make them feel more protected when walking alone or at night.

3. Recently, I am aware that police patrols have been upped in the area, but I would like to see patrols tailored to our UoB students. These being on Guild nights out, specifically Sports night and Fab n’ Fresh where most students walk home. If put into action, I feel that the times of 1:30am to 3:30am would be especially beneficial in keeping intoxicated students safe, when they are most vulnerable.

4. Most Guild events seem to emphasise first-year participation as an introduction to university, but I want to include other undergraduates/postgraduates in campus-wide events. I have ideas for ‘Summer Spectacular or a gig-specific event at the union. I want to create a greater sense of unity between first years and other years as it can sometimes feel segregated between the halls and Selly Oak communities.
