Guild Elections

Candidate for the position of Full Time Officers - Postgraduate Officer

Image for Joulie Axel

Joulie Axel

Hello. My name is Joulie Axel and I am a 3rd year PhD student. I have been an active member of the PG community on campus since I came to the University of Birmingham in 2013 and I have actively participated in the organisation of the Postgraduate & Mature Students Association as well as in the efforts of the Guild.

Why am I running for the Postgraduate Students Officer role?

The University of Birmingham is a big, prestigious university with great international capacity and impact. I believe that international students are usually underrepresented and as one myself, if elected I wish to contribute in the efforts for all students to feel welcome and equal in UoB. The PG community is almost 50% international students and although all students have the same opportunities to participate in the PG community when the time for decisions comes, the needs of international students are not as clearly conveyed.

To achieve a more active integration in the PG life on campus I will like to work towards organising a PG ball. It will be a chance to dress up, feel glamorous and enjoy ourselves.

For achieving more efficient results in supporting the PGs I will work in cooperation with societies and organisations that are active at the university that safeguard the wellbeing of the postgraduate population.

One thing that affects me personally and I would like to see amended is the email capacity for PGRs, which at the moment is the smallest in comparison to the UGs and PGTs’ email capacity. My efforts will be focused on getting the same email capacity for all PGs, by increasing that of PGRs.

Finally, having kept my ears on the ground during my studies I have met a lot of postgraduate students either in taught or in research programmes that have been struggling to establish a consistent relationship with their supervising team. It is my wish and my most important goal to work with policy and try to establish consistent supervision and regular and coherent feedback for postgraduate students.

As part of this diverse community of postgraduates, I have come to understand that to keep a balance between the social and the academic part of being a student can be challenging and a source of added stress. My vision as the PSO will be to make sure that higher management hears our voice when establishing new policy and that PGs get both the high standard of education and the right amount of fun that a PG study can be.

I truly believe I can be the link between students and management by holding that post and supporting each and everyone in the journey of your postgraduate studies. I therefore ask for your vote.


Best wishes,

Joulie Axel