Guild Elections

Candidate for the position of Full Time Officers - Guild President

Image for Kris-py Kreme Burnett

Kris-py Kreme Burnett

Campus High Speed Wi-Fi Project

As a result of the students and staff here at the University, we are one of the best ranking universities in the UK. We deserve the best resources, especially when our learning is increasingly done online through e-resources. My initiative is to test all Wi-Fi coverage on campus, launch a comprehensive review of the speeds achieved and work with the University to ensure that the Wi-Fi is reliable, fast and up to the standards that we at Birmingham set for our university.

£1 Pints & Cheaper Nights

As a regular attendee of Fab ‘N’ Fresh, I know that drink prices in the Guild are higher than Old Joe. There is no reason for a student run organisation to be charging more than alternative nights in Birmingham. As your Guild President, I shall introduce big deals on the food and drink to ensure that every student can feel Fab without spending their entire loan. New events such as £1 Pint Nights seen in Selly are achievable, the increased business will help breathe life into our Guild and the increased business on nights when the Guild would be sat dormant will enable your Officer team to increase funding for the important student services that the Guild provides.

Making Selly safer scheme

The University experience is different for every student but one thing we should all experience is a secure environment in which to live and study.  As your Guild President, I would form a stronger relationship with West Midlands Police and establish a Guild task force to which you can report suspicious activities and crimes in a confidential, safe, environment. Working with local police forces, I would submit the case for a stronger policing presence especially during key times when students are most vulnerable such as walking home after Sports Night and Fab. I would also ask for more patrols outside of term time in our local area to ensure your home is safe when you’re not at home from burglaries and opportunistic criminals. I will also petition the University security team to increase their presence on the Vale and Pritchatts to ensure all students benefit from my security initiative.

More 24/7 learning spaces

Our University is home to 30,000 students. It is a step forward that the University is opening a new library which will be 24/7 but that is one facility on a large campus. An increase in more 24/7 spaces such as the learning centre ensures that students who may not have access to IT facilities at home are not at a disadvantage, it means student groups can collaborate at any time, it means students working on life-changing academic pieces aren’t constantly sat fighting the clock to get work in before being asked to leave. A 24/7 campus is also safer, more productive and what Birmingham needs to retain its platinum status as an elite University true to its civic inclusive roots that we can all take pride in.