Sober Socials AGM - Annual Group Meeting 2023 (Followed by Weekly Games Night)

Friday 17 March 2023

7pm - 10pm

Nuffield Building - Rooms G17, G18, G19 and G22 [R9 on Campus Map]


Hey everyone! This event we will begin with our Annual Group Meeting (AGM) for 2023, electing the committee for 2023/2024. Following the election, will be our normal weekly games night, until 10pm.

You will need to be a member to run and vote.

The roles up for grabs will be:

  1. Chair,
  2. Secretary,
  3. Treasurer,
  4. Social Secretary,
  5. Social Secretary,
  6. Publicity Officer,
  7. Equipment Officer.

We look forward to seeing you!