Referendum 2020

Do you believe that the Guild should adopt the proposed decision making structures? - The 'Yes' case

Why should you vote YES for Change on how decisions are made at the Guild?

Yes for Change means your voice will be heard on important student issues.

Yes for Change means Officers will be accountable to you.

Yes for Change means a Guild that works for students.

The Guild’s current democratic structures are broken.

We’ve seen the Brumfess’s, the tweets, posts and comments. The Guild is too bureaucratic. It needs to change.

So Vote Yes to adopt the proposed democratic structures.


If you Vote YES you are voting to move decision making to committees, where elected students can pass policy quickly, discuss important issues and allocate funding.

This will speed up decision making and make implementing policy on important issues begin sooner.

ANY student can still submit an idea to the committees, and the big fundamental issues go to an ‘All Student Vote’ and an ‘All Student Meeting’ - ALL students have their voice heard. This means you don’t have to be elected to have a vote.

An All Student Meeting and All Student Vote will allow more students to be involved in decision making. They will make it more accessible and more transparent.

The All Student Meeting can be called at any time by the Officer team or a petition of students. This puts power into the hands of students.

This structure will offer flexibility with new methods to allow students to make the policy of the Guild, such as Student Forums and Preferendums. These changes make the Guild work for students.


There needs to be Officer Accountability.

The Scrutiny Panel would hold Officers to account reviewing their work and making sure they are delivering to students. Feeding into the All Student Meeting, the Scrutiny Panel would be empowered to propose motions of no confidence. This puts power back into the hand of students ensuring that elected Officers are held to account for their actions.


The current model, ‘Your Ideas’, is unengaging and inefficient.  The process for decision making is long and not inclusive. Even the students who are involved find it confusing. It’s not transparent and it feels like decisions are made behind closed doors. It is time for change.

Voting Yes for Change allows you to make real change on things that matter to your university life. Policy ideas are dealt with promptly, and any big issues you can vote on. ALL students get a voice and they will be listened too under the new model!


From Monday 24th-Friday 28th February we will be out campaigning and speaking to you, to vote Yes for Change and bring power back to the students.


Don’t b*tch on Brumfess! #VoteYesForChange