Mentors Amy and Amber on Supporting Your Flatmates during Assessment Period

Mentors Amy and Amber on Supporting Your Flatmates during Assessment Period
Student Mentors

Help your flatmates with their stress - together you can pass your tests!

Exam season can be difficult for everyone – so here are a few of our top tips on how you can support your flatmates at this time, and work together to do the best you can!

Be mindful

Everybody studies differently, and to a different schedule, so it is great to be mindful of this when approaching exam season. It can be really easy to compare study methods and get caught up stressing about what everyone else is doing, but all that matters is that you are working in a way that is productive for you, and supporting your friends to do the same!

It is also important to remember that your deadlines may be before others’, so even if you’re ready to celebrate your flatmates might still be revising. This doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself, just try to be aware that other flatmates may still need quiet, early nights!

Encourage each other

A great way for you and your flatmates to help each other during exam and deadline season is to encourage each other by studying together. Having a study group session can be great motivation to work, and setting a time that you will study until can be super helpful.

Image of students studying together Do something nice for a friend

If you know that a friend has a big deadline or exam approaching a small act of kindness can go a long way in helping to support them. This could be bringing them their favourite study snack, cooking for them the night before a deadline, or helping to test them on their revision flashcards. They will really appreciate the gesture during a stressful time.

Plan an activity to look forward to together

University isn’t just about exams! A great way to remind yourselves of this in the midst of study sessions and deadlines is to plan an activity that you and your flatmates can all look forward to when the work is done. It can really help focus and motivate you to study hard if you know that you have something exciting on the horizon!

Hopefully these tips help you and your flatmates do the best you can and keep the stress to a minimal, so you can all have a great semester!


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