Guild Advice

Guild Advice - Mental Health

Mental Health- is how you are feeling and how you can cope with day to day life.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, you could look into the options below.

  1. Welfare Tutor- Speak to your Welfare Tutor if you’re mental wellbeing is affecting your studies.
  2. Counselling and wellbeing- Talk to someone about psychological, emotional and practical support during your studies.
  3. Register with a GP- Speak to your GP as it could be a medical issue that is affecting you.
  4. Extenuating circumstances- These can include extensions, taking into account circumstances when marking/deferral of exams.
  5. Leave of absence- You could temporarily withdraw from university if you are finding it hard to cope.
  6. Student Mentor Scheme- If you are living in University of Birmingham accommodation, the Student Mentor Scheme can help you cope with tough times.
  7. Colouring- has been seen as helping reduce stress and anxiety, so colour away!

Want to Talk?

Guild Advice are available for you to talk to and you can come and see an advisor at a drop in between 12pm- 2pm on Monday to Friday. Or email us on


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