Green Impact

Green Impact

Here at your Guild, we measure ourselves in terms of our environmental impact, and call it our 'Green Impact'. Green Impact is a programme run by NUS (National Union of Students), and allows us to benchmark ourselves across other unions and continually develop our understanding of environmental issues and how we can affect change.

To find out how we’ve addressed these environmental issues, please read on.

What We’ve Done

In the past the Guild has made many significant changes in order to become more environmentally friendly and sustainable, including:

  • Installing solar panels on Tennis Courts accommodation.
  • Increased energy efficiency in the Guild through loft insulation and sealing off external windows.
  • Monitoring our electrical consumption – we have saved 5% each year since 2013.
  • Reducing plastic use in all of our venues.
  • Reducing our energy consumption by 18.9% within the last year by updating our lighting systems, powering our PCs down at the end of the day and supporting students and staff with free LED light bulbs and smart plugs!
  • A motion has been passed to boycott fossil fuel recruiters – why not read Redbrick’s article all about it.
  • Each year we also host Go Green Week, which aims to raise awareness of all things sustainability and host events to promote cleaner and greener lifestyles.

And much more!

Our current Green Impact ranking is Excellent, but we’ll continue to make progress each year to maintain our accreditation and ensure we’re doing all we can to work towards a greener, more sustainable future.

SustainabilityAt Your Guild

Increased our energy efficiency
Increased our energy efficiency

Loft installation, reducing light fixtures and upgrading to LED daylight saving

Reduced energy consumption by 18.9%
Reduced energy consumption by 18.9%

Up from 12%. We've saved 5% each year on our electrical consumption since 2013

Saved over 7000 Kilos of CO2 emissions
Saved over 7000 Kilos of CO2 emissions

Up from 3000 Kilos. The equivalent of planting 19 trees or heating 5 homes

Reached our targed of ZERO landfill
Reached our targed of ZERO landfill

Reduced single plastic usage
Reduced single plastic usage

Recycled over 26,000 Kilos of waste since April 22
Recycled over 26,000 Kilos of reusable plastics since April 22

Free LED bubles available for staff and students
Free LED bubles available for staff and students

Survey Results

Students Organising for Sustainability Survey Graphic

This year we were very pleased to have seen our highest response rate when sharing the Students Organising for Sustainability Survey. This was a fantastic opportunity to work closely with the NUS and provided some key insights.

We’ll be using these findings, paired with the primary research we’ve conducted within the Guild to shape our ongoing approaches to sustainability.

Get Involved

There are lots of ways that we can work together to build a more sustainable, environmentally friendly future. Explore the below options to find out more.

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