Welcome 2024

Welcome Starts In:

Guild Elections

Candidate for the position of Full Time Officers - Sports Officer

Image for Meg Price

Meg Price


Why choose me, Meg Price, as Sports Officer?

At UoB I have always been involved in the sport side of things. Since I started I have been part of the Ultimate Frisbee Club which I became Secretary for in my second year, through this I learnt how our sports clubs are run and I worked closely with UBSport. Additionally, I was a UBSport Brand Ambassador where I helped out at Open Days and various UBSport events. Outside of university I regularly work with my National Governing Body UK Ultimate and I hold the role of University Women’s Coordinator.

Sport for me has been such an integral part of my time here so I want to create more opportunities to get more students involved. All of us that are already involved know that being a member of UBSport is great, but I want more people to understand that and experience it themselves.


My main policies:


I want to lobby for a credit system for the gym, similar to the current system for fitness classes, where you don’t have the long-term commitment of a gym membership. It’ll mean cheaper prices and more flexibility so you don’t have to feel pressured to go two or three times a week to get the most out of the 12 months access that you’ve paid for.


Let’s support the ‘This Girl Can’ Campaign. I want to push for more female taster sessions, in all sports, so girls have more opportunities to get involved without the pressure of being against the boys (unless you want to!). As the 3rd University for sport in the UK we should be doing our part to improve female participation in sport.

But I’m not just about women. Across all sports I want to introduce more drop-in sessions, so even if you didn’t get in through trials or you don’t want to play competitively then there are more opportunities on top of intra-mural sport.


Recently the mini-forum system has become defunct with no way for sports clubs to be represented, so I want to refresh the representation and feedback system. If I’m elected I will survey all of the sports clubs to find out what feedback system you want.

Especially with the new sports building opening in the new academic year, with different training times and facilities, new problems are going to arise so I want to be able to provide you with a clear channel of communication to get your issues addressed.


I am confident that I could do the job well if you vote me in. I have a strong basis of understanding for becoming the new Sports Officer and I know that my policies are realistic and possible. I have a drive for change and I want to work for what you want.


You won’t be making the wrong decision if you put me as your number one choice.

Remember, the PRICE is right! :)