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The Not On Campaign

TW: talks about sexual harassment and states examples of this, including bullying and exploitation.

Together, the Guild of Students and the University of Birmingham are committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming community that is free from sexual harassment, where bodily autonomy is respected, and where people feel secure no matter where they are.

Sexual harassment is anything that makes another person feel uncomfortable or intimidated. It can be physical, emotional, and verbal and it can happen in the online world and in-person. Examples can include, but are not limited to:

You should never have to put up with sexual harassment, or be made to feel uncomfortable by another individual.

Whether this occurs in bars, at home, on campus, on public transport, online, by people you know or by complete strangers - we say that this is Not On.

We also believe it is vital to set the tone and place firm boundaries around what behaviours will not be tolerated, as well as create a culture where everyone feels equipped to challenge or call out any unacceptable behaviours they might witness in day-to-day life. This is why we have the Not On campaign.

What Is The Not On Campaign?

Not On Logo

Supported by Guild Advice, and part funded by the University, our Student Not On Ambassadors have created and deliver one hour consent workshops (in-person and on Zoom) to:

  • Look at what consent is and isn’t 
  • Discuss scenario situations in relation to consent, exploring what behaviours are unacceptable
  • Identify sexual harassment and the impact it has
  • Explore how to look after each other and promote bystander intervention

In addition, we deliver LGBTQ+ workshops to raise awareness of the issues faced in the LGBTQ+ community. This workshop can also be delivered as a safe space for members of the LGBTQ+ community.

We also tailor content to suit those attending. So, if you have a specific topic in mind that you would like us to focus on during the workshop, all you have to do is let us know.

Whilst this is a serious topic, our workshops are a positive environment where learning is encouraged without judgement. Interested in attending a workshop or have further questions about Not On? Send us an email at noton@guild.bham.ac.uk.

The ambassadors also run a variety of awareness raising events throughout the academic year. Keep up-to-date by following us on Facebook.

Sign The Pledge!

Not On Sign Pledge

By signing our pledge you are saying that you stand with us in saying sexual harassment of any kind is not acceptable.

We are all responsible for creating an inclusive and welcoming campus. Students, staff and visitors have the right to study, work, live and socialise, in a safe and supportive place.

We have the power and the right to say sexual harassment is Not On! We can learn how to safely challenge the behaviours around us and educate ourselves on the experiences of others.

Signing the pledge is a positive action that demonstrates your commitment to make the campus and wider areas feel safer for all.

I pledge:

  • To take safe action to prevent sexual harassment, and to support others to do so too
  • To not tolerate, condone or ignore sexual harassment of any kind. I will challenge sexual harassment
  • To educate myself and others about sexual harassment – to learn what it is, how it makes people feel and why it’s Not On

You can learn how to safely and effectively do all the above by attending a Not On Workshop.

At Birmingham, we say sexual harassment is Not On!

Not On Pledge

To pledge your support for our Not On campaign, register your details below by pressing Start:

Experiencing Sexual Harassment

If you experience sexual harassment we can provide you with the help, advice and guidance you need.

Guild Advice provides provide free, impartial and confidential information and advice. To contact Guild Adivce please fill in our contact form.

The University’s Harassment Advice Service is free, confidential and open to anyone, staff or student, who wants to talk about harassment.

To find out more about the University of Birmingham’s full range of support services and resources, visit the Support for Students website.

Reporting Sexual Assault

“You report, we support”

The University provides a survivor-centred report and support service that is available for all students to report incidents of sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, sexual assault and violence in all its forms.

You can use our online reporting tool to make contact with a trained sexual violence liaison officer (SVLO) or one of our trained first responders. These are all members of staff who have received dedicated training to support victims and survivors of sexual harassment, in confidence.  To access our resources, make an online report of an incident and to access our support, click on the button below.

Access the reporting tool

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