Welcome 2024

Welcome Starts In:

Guild Advice

Guild Advice

Who We Are

Guild Advice is a free, impartial and confidential advice service for students at the University of Birmingham. Our Education and Welfare Advisors specialise in the following areas: Academic, Housing, Wellbeing and International Support.

Like the Citizens Advice Bureau, we give practical advice on all kinds of subjects relating to student life. We are on hand if you need someone to talk to - just come and visit us on the Ground Floor of the Guild of Students!

Drop in Sessions

Currently Guild Advice are offering drop in sessions during term time, giving you the opportunity to discuss a new concern with an advisor in a confidential environment. You don't need an appointment; just report to Guld Reception on the following days and times, and one of our advisors will see you (new enquiries only):

  • Tuesday 12-2pm - General Advice drop in
  • Thursday 1:30pm-3:30pm  - Money Matters Drop in Aston Webb

During a Drop In session, you will meet with an advisor who will provide you with inital guidance. Where required, ongoing advice work will take place via email with your allocated advisor.

Alternatively, please use the ‘contact us’ form to get in touch. Student queries will be responded to within 10 working days.

What We Do

As well as providing advice and guidance we conduct research to help prepare you for University Academic meetings and arrange appropriate representation as and when required.  We can also offer support with checking through appeals and complaints and can guide you through the processes.

This year we are excited to be delivering a range of awareness and support campaigns in relation to wellbeing and advice, our aim is to get information out across the University to as many of you as possible.


Guild Advice Finance & Housing

We know many students are experiencing financial pressures owing to the cost-of-living crisis. So, over the coming weeks and months we'll be compiling key advice and guidance to help you navigate the situation. Keep checking for more updates and information.

Guild Hardship Fund
Graduation Hardship Fund Application
Sport Access Fund
Getting Your Deposits Back

Not On Ambassadors

Sexual Harassment - its #noton

Following the success of the Not On campaign in recent years, we’re really excited to have won funding from the University to recruit 4 ‘Not On’ Student Ambassadors! Our Ambassadors will be a point of contact for students with concerns relating to the area of sexual harassment and assault.

They’ll also be rolling out a one hour workshop that looks at consent in relation to sexual harassment, showing students how to look after themselves and their friends on a night out. You can arrange workshops for UoB Student Societies, Committees, Teams or Groupshere. Please note, workshops can only be delivered to established groups of students at present (maximum 20 at any one time).

*All groups that complete the workshop will receive the ‘Not On Approved’ stamp which can be used on all your communications.*

In time we will be offering open access workshops for individual students to book on to, for more information about this please contact noton@guild.bham.ac.uk

Hate Crime Reporting

Hate Crime Reporting Image

Guild Advice is also a Third Party Reporting Centre. If you are a victim of (or have witnessed) hate crime or a hate related incident we can support you.

What is Hate Crime?

Hate crime is any incident, which constitutes a criminal offence, which is perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by prejudice or hate. This can be motivated by someone’s race, colour, ethnic origin, nationality, national group, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.

What can I do?

  1. In an emergency call 999 for help;
  2. Call West Midlands Police on the 101 non-emergency number;
  3. Report the incident online via the True Vision website.
  4. Visit Guild Advice and speak to an Advisor regarding the incident.
  5. As a Third Party Reporting Centre, we can assist you in reporting the incident to the Police, including making an anonymous report to the Police.

More information on hate crime, how to report it, and personal safety tips, is available from the official True Vision website.

Guild Advice Events

The words welcome fair in a blue sky above a graphic of the guild of students building Welcome Fair 2024 - Day One
23rd September 10am - 4pm
Guild of Students
Make sure you join us at the Guild for the chance to meet fantastic popular brands, enjoy lots of discounts and student offers!
The words welcome fair in a blue sky above a graphic of the guild of students building Welcome Fair 2024 - Day Two
24th September 10am - 4pm
Guild of Students
Make sure you join us at the Guild for the chance to meet fantastic popular brands, enjoy lots of discounts and student offers!
Wellbeing Café
2nd October 4pm - 7pm
Pritchatts Park Social Hub
Pets as Therapy dogs, wellbeing activities, crafts and a chat with your peers!

Latest Student Deals