Welcome Starts In:
Your Community Wardens are a team of 10 students based at the Guild, who work for a safer, cleaner, greener, more cohesive community for all. We encourage all residents to get involved in, look after, and feel proud of their local community. We are dedicated to bringing the people of Selly Oak together, whether it being over cleaning up the streets, coming along to a coffee morning, or doing some planting in the community. There is something for everyone!
We’re mainly out and about in the Bournbrook area of Selly Oak – and also cover the wider area where University of Birmingham Students live in large numbers. We regularly patrol the streets during term time; door knocking and supporting any community issues.
We also work in partnership with the University of Birmingham and local organisations (like the Council, the Police and Canal & River Trust) to help make the local area a fantastic community to live in.
The Wardens can help you make your community a better place to live by providing you with information, advice, and support to help you resolve any issues or problems you may be facing. We can help you with:
We also run a number of community initiatives and events, including litter picks, canal grapples, self-defence classes, upcycling workshops, yoga classes, sports days, and more. We’d love to help you get involved!
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