Go Green Week: Light Bulb Swap Shop

Wednesday 06 February 2019

2pm - 4pm

Guild Reception


What type of light bulbs are you using? Don’t know? Don’t care?

Well an energy saving light bulb lasts up to 12 times longer than standard light bulbs, uses less electricity to emit the same amount of light as a traditional light bulb and reduces CO2 emissions by half a ton. This means that by using an energy saving light bulb, you will be helping the environment and saving money. Win, Win!

Visit the Community Wardens Light Bulb Swap Shop in the reception area. Bring your used light bulbs or look at your current light bulbs before you leave, and let us know the connection of your current bulbs and we will give you energy saving light bulbs to replace them with. 

Be a part of the solution and help reduce CO2 emissions with energy saving light bulbs!

Part of Go Week Green 2019 – Waste Less Wednesday.


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