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Junkbusters Collection

Friday 14 June 2019

noon - 2pm

Selly Oak


According to new research a predicted 235 million items of unwanted clothing will end up in landfill this spring. With thousands of students moving out of private accommodation this term, there's every chance we'll be contributing to this stat, as we leave behind unwanted clothes, food and household items. Well, not on our watch...

Junkbusters is a student-led campaign run throughout the spring and summer that aims to prevent your unwanted items going to waste. Instead, Junkbusters will help you donate your unwanted items to good causes, from the British Heart Foundation to local foodbanks!

How does it work?

  1. Our Community Wardens will deliver your Junkbusters collection bag, stickered up with all the collection dates and information you need
  2. Fill up your bag with your unwanted items that you want to donate
  3. Put out your bag outside your front door BEFORE MIDDAY on your next collection date
  4. We’ll head out on ECO-1, our environmentally friendly milk float, to pick up all your donations
  5. Your unwanted items will be sent to the British Heart Foundation where they’ll turn your junk into thousands of pounds worth of lifesaving cardiovascular research. Everyone wins!

For more info, visit: www.guildofstudents.com/junkbusters

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