Freshers: First Things First...

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Freshers Fest


A-level results day has passed, Welcome Week is fast approaching and we can’t wait to meet you! But first, here’s our 3 essential steps to follow now you’ve got your place at Birmingham...

1)    First off, be sure to join our OFFICIAL Freshers Facebook group ‘University of Birmingham Official Freshers 2019/20’. This is the perfect opportunity for you to meet fellow students, get excited for uni and be the first to hear all about your Freshers Fest line-up, including EXCLUSIVE act announcements!


2)    Buy your OFFICIAL FRESHERS FEST TICKET to get access to 9 unmissable nights out, including; Fab N Fresh (the Guild’s weekly club night), parties at popular clubs across Birmingham’s Broad Street and the beloved Freshers Ball. Freshers Fest is the ONLY way to celebrate the start of Uni – so get your tickets before they’re gone.


3)    Moving into University accommodation? Be sure to check out your official Halls Facebook Group to meet your new flatmates.


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