Welcome 2024

Welcome Starts In:

Syed Sadath
Guild President

Syed Sadath
Guild President

Meet Syed, your Full-Time Guild President.

As President, it’s Syed’s job to work closely with the entire Officer Team to make sure you get the best from the Guild of Students and the University of Birmingham.

The Officer Team is here to represent you and your views to the University through several committees and board meetings to make sure the student voice is always heard, and your interests are protected.

Syed is also the Officer lead on student democracy, to ensure that you can effectively shape your university experience. Not to mention, during the upcoming year, Syed will be working on the manifesto aims that you voted on during the Officer Elections.

Would you like to keep up to date with Syed’s work and continuous efforts to drive lasting change and improvements for students? Be sure to keep up to date via Instagram or you can email in if you have any questions or concerns.

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