
Hi, I'm Izzy

Hi, everyone! I thought it was about time I introduce myself as your new Activities and Employability Officer (AEO) at the Guild of Students for 2022/23!

Image of Activities and Employability Officer IzzyI’m Izzy, known as Izzy Busy Bee during my Elections campaign, my sincerest apologies if you witnessed that in person!

I’ve just finished my third and final year of a Politics and Philosophy degree and graduated in July (scary). So, I’m clearly very opinionated and good at forming an argument, which I think will come in handy when I’m representing students all year.

I was also involved with the Politics Society throughout my time at UoB, so if you see someone in a trench coat and sunglasses rooting for the Polsoc Netball Team, that would be me.

I’m Cardiff born and bred so although I promise not to be biased towards the Welsh Society, I will find a way to sneak Welsh Dragon memorabilia into the office.

What I look after:

Now, for a quick rundown of my role, what I do, and what you can expect from me this year:
As AEO I have a few different responsibilities including: looking after student groups, Fab ‘N’ Fresh, Sports Night, and events!

I also sit on various Guild committees, covering everything from the day-to-day running of student groups and activities, as well as the slightly less glamorous element of Guild room bookings - but I love it all equally!

Each day I also attend meetings, answer lots of emails, work on different manifesto projects, and have at least one Subway cookie.

Everything I do will be driven by my manifesto promises, but I’ll also continue to check in with students’ concerns and desires should they change. If you have any feedback or suggestions please send them my way and I’ll take it all on board! And if you have any society queries, as a member or as a committee, I’ll always do my best to help you out.

Get in contact

If you want to get in touch with me you’re more than welcome to pop into the office near Guild Reception. Alternatively, you can get in contact via email, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter (I haven’t got the hang of this one yet).

I work Monday – Friday, 9am – 5pm, and I will do my best to get back to you within 3 working days during this time.

What you can expect to see from me:

I will be posting regularly on social media to keep you up to date with what I’m doing – Instagram will be the main one but I promise not to do toooo many cringey reels.

You should see a lot of useful information about societies, events, employment opportunities, and updates on my manifesto promises. Give me a follow if you’d like to keep up with any of that!

The rest of the Team

Image of the 2022/23 Officer TeamAnd last but certainly not least, here’s the rest of your full-time officer team and a little bit about who they all are. You can come along to our office or you can email FTO@guild.bham.ac.uk to get in touch with all of us at once!

Your Guild President, is Acacia, who oversees the whole team and keeps us in line!

Education Officer, Ness, works closely with the Guild and University to represent students’ academic interests.

Welfare and Community Officer, Reeve, is here to look out for your welfare and provide support with issues like housing.

Sports Officer, Florie, works with UBSport and supports clubs, especially with Sports Night.

International Officer, Alice, represents and supports international students at the University.

And your Postgraduate Officer, Ben, is here to represent and support Postgraduate students and researchers.

With all that being said, I can’t wait for the year ahead of representing students and seeing everything I’ve got up my sleeve come to life! In the words of a very famous bee, let’s get busy!


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