Representing You

Welcome to Campaigns

Here at the Guild, we believe that YOU have the ideas that can transform your university, your course and your wider world. One of the best ways for you to make huge changes in your communities is through starting up a campaign – and that’s exactly what we’re here to help you with!

Each year, we help students run loads of different campaigns on the things that are important to them – from the ‘Not On’ campaign against sexual harassment to raising awareness of the refugee crisis or supporting junior doctors, we can work together to help make our university a better place for everyone.

But wait – what even is a campaign?

Well, in short, an organised chain of action that might raise awareness of an issue, encourage students to make a change, or fight for a change in the university, city council or the government!

We want you to be able to make the changes that you want to see – so we’re opening up the Guild’s resources to help you to do so. We want to work with you to help develop and support your campaign. The Guild’s Campaigns Pot is open to students who want to apply for funding and our Student Voice office can offer staff support to help plan and implement your campaign ideas. All decisions about funding and support are made democratically by your elected Guild Officer Team.

Getting involved in a campaign is a great way to create positive change on the things you really care about. So, what are you waiting for?

If you’re interested in getting involved with any of our campaigns, click here to find out more

Or if you have something new in mind, let us know on by contacting us using the form below.


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